On February 8, 2013, Humanities Texas and the Texas State Historical Association held a one-day teacher workshop in Austin for fifty-one teachers on Texas history in the twentieth century.
Topics addressed included the Texas at the turn of the twentieth century, Progressive-Era reform movements, boom and bust in Texas industry, the civil rights movement, and the emergence of a two-party Texas.
The workshop featured close interaction with scholars, the examination of primary sources, and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities. Content was aligned with the TEKS, and teachers received books and other instructional materials.
Faculty included Alwyn Barr (Texas Tech University), Michael L. Gillette (Humanities Texas), George Green (The University of Texas at Arlington), Monica Perales (University of Houston), Joseph Pratt (University of Houston), and Chase Untermeyer, former U.S. ambassador to Qatar.
Our February 2013 newsletter included a slideshow of images from the workshop.
View videos of faculty lectures from the 2012 program:
The workshop overview details the program schedule and participants.
This workshop was made possible with funding from the Summerlee Foundation, with ongoing support from the State of Texas and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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