Past Institutes

Teaching the U.S. Constitution

In the fall of 2018, Humanities Texas held two one-day teacher workshops in Galveston and Houston focusing on teaching the U.S. Constitution.


Topics addressed included the Articles of Confederation, compromises made in adopting the Constitution, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist debates on the Constitution's ratification, and the Bill of Rights.

The workshops emphasized close interaction with scholars, the examination of primary sources, and the development of effective pedagogical strategies and engaging assignments and activities. Content was aligned with the secondary social studies TEKS. Teachers received books and other instructional materials and were trained in the examination and interpretation of primary sources.


Workshop faculty included Denver Brunsman (George Washington University), Woody Holton (University of South Carolina), Kelly Hopkins (University of Houston), and Joseph Kobylka (Southern Methodist University).

Locations and Schedules

GalvestonOctober 31The Tremont HouseSchedule
HoustonNovember 1Bayou Bend Collection and GardensSchedule


The workshops were made possible with major funding from the State of Texas with ongoing support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Questions about Teacher Institutes

Call 512.440.1991 or email

Kelly Hopkins, instructional assistant professor of history at the University of Houston, reviews the Bill of Rights during an afternoon seminar.

Joseph F. Kobylka, associate professor of political science at Southern Methodist University, discusses the compromises made in adoption of the U.S. Constitution with workshop participants.