During the days of segregation, Dr. William Charles Akins attended Blackshear Elementary School, Kealing Junior High School and [L.C.] Anderson High School. A graduate of Huston-Tillotson College, Dr. Akins aspired to be a teacher and a principal in large part due to the influences of his teachers and principals during his student days in East Austin schools. Dr. Akins served as principal of Anderson High School for almost 10 years before becoming an assistant superintendent with the Austin Independent School District. While working as a district administrator, Dr. Akins served as liaison between the school district and several community efforts, including the Adopt-A-School program, the Junior Achievement Program, Keep Austin Beautiful and the Urban League. On April 13, 1998, the Austin ISD school board approved the naming of a new high school (W.C. Akins High School) in Dr. Akin’s honor. He recalls the event as a great surprise, great humbling and a great feeling of accomplishment. Interview transcript »