
Just in time for the start of the new school year, The University of Texas at Tyler will host a celebration of Texas letters on Saturday, September 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The third annual East Texas Book Fest will feature some of the state’s most popular writers, who will be on hand to sign books and lead a variety of workshops for all ages. Humanities Texas provided this program with grant support.

David Haynes, head of the creative writing program at Southern Methodist University, will lead a discussion of narrative design that is sure to interest readers and writers alike. Children, teachers, and parents will enjoy author René Saldaña Jr.’s talk, “I Love It, I Hate It, I Love It Again: A Reader’s Journey,” as well as Saldaña's afternoon discussion of culture, religion, and the Hispanic experience in fiction. Saldaña is assistant professor in language and literacy at Texas Tech University.

For those with an interest in storytelling, Tim Tingle, the Choctaw Storyteller, will lead conversations about Native American storytelling and ghost stories. Children will particularly enjoy an interactive presentation by best-selling children’s book authors Jan Peck and David Davis on the wonder of books, featuring costumes and music. For more information about these and other presentations, visit the festival website.